The events hosted by Women In Media offer a wide-variety of rewarding opportunities for our membership and community. Learn more about getting involved in our events by clicking on the links below.


Upcoming Events

Check out our calendar of events.


Monthly Luncheons

One of the most valuable benefits of Women in Media is networking with other professional women in the Baton Rouge area. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month to network and discuss topics not only relevant to the media industry but also career information, business etiquette, marketing success stories, and community and charity related events.

Attire for Hire

Attire for Hire is an annual clothing drive that provides professional clothing to struggling women re-entering the workforce. In the past year, over 1,000 items were donated and distributed to organizations including the Cenikor Foundation, Faith Family Outreach Center, Myriam's House, Sweet Dreams Shelter of St. Vincent de Paul and Women's Community Rehabilitation Center.


Awards of Excellence

The Awards of Excellence is an annual event, and is the only awards program specifically for women in the fields of media and communications. Categories include best in media sales, advertising, public relations, marketing, and on-air talent to name a few. Women in Media also awards the Jean Wheeler Memorial Scholarship annually to a LSU, Southern, or BRCC senior studying in the field of Journalism/Mass Communication, Theater or a related media field. The winner is recognized at the Awards of Excellence.